Music with a Numerical Theme
We are proud to present our annual showcase concert which will take place 01/03/2025 at Gravesend Grammer School. Tickets are available from ticket
Sounding Together
Music with a Numerical Theme
We are proud to present our annual showcase concert which will take place 01/03/2025 at Gravesend Grammer School. Tickets are available from ticket
On 21/09/2024 we will be holding a concert in aid of The Aortic Dissection Trust a charity particularly close to synchordia’s heart as without their research and work we could be without a conductor.
On 29/04/2024 Nick attended first Urgent Care in Gravesend and then Darent Valley Hospital with a strange intense pain that would not go away. After rapid assessment and testing by the staff at both Gravesend and Darent Valley he was found to have a Type B Aortic Dissection which was life threatening. Nick was transferred by emergency ambulance on blue lights to St Thomas’ Hospital London and was treated by the amazing cardiac and vascular team, intensive care and high dependency teams and finally the ward staff. As a result of this care he has now been able to return to the career he loves and family and friends have someone very dear to them still with us.
All the money raised from the concert will go to The Aortic Dissection Trust to continue their pioneering research and life saving treatments.
Tickets are available from
We will be holding our quiz night on 13th July 2022 at Emmanual Baptist church. Please use the following link to register your attendance and teams
Due to delays in the renovations at EBC we will be rehearsing at Longfield Hill Scout Hut 8/6 and 15/6. Rehearsal times will remain the same.
Due to renovation works at EBC please see the updated venues for the coming weeks.
4th St Aidan’s Scout Hall, corner of St Benedict’s Avenue & Hampton Crescent
11th Emmanuel Baptist ( as normal )
18th Longfield Hill Scout Hut, Nursted Lane (nearly opposite Green Man pub) – parking is roadside. Fines being issued for using pub carpark unless using the pub.
25th as 18th
1st 1/2 term – no rehearsal
8th Hopefully back to normal… 🤞🏻
Unfortunately, due to not enough numbers to make the quiz viable, it has been cancelled for tomorrow. Hopefully, we can reschedule to a later date. Thank you to the Williams family for all the work so far
Wednesday 30th March 7-9pm at Emmanuel Baptist Church hall. Teams of 6-8 people. £5 per person. Bring your own soft drinks and nibbles. Please note we are not permitted to have alcohol on the premises. Please book your space by emailing
I’m delighted to be able to tell you that Synchordia will be resuming face to face rehearsals on Wednesday (July 21st) at the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Gravesend.
There will be some changes to ensure that we can keep each other safe.
We have been advised to maintain Test & Trace compliance, and now have a QR code for members to scan on entry. We are asking that you inform us of your vaccination status (0, 1 or 2 jabs), and if you aren’t double vaccinated, we will require you to have had a negative lateral flow test within 48 hours. These measures are to protect all of us, and in particular our vulnerable members
We need to operate a one-way system for the time-being, entering through the back door, and leaving through the front, unless you are carrying a large instrument, or are not mobile enough to walk around.
We also need to keep the rear doors open to allow for aerosol ventilation throughout both rehearsals.
We are asking all instrumentalists to bring a cloth to gather any discharge from your instrument. Please take the cloth home with you and either wash it or dispose of it.
At the end of the band session, we will need to clear the room as quickly as possible, to allow some airing, and we will be asking you to wipe down your chair, music stand and any other equipment you use. Music stands will be quarantined in the garage for the week, so should be safe for the following week.
Singers will also be asked to wipe down their own chairs before they put them away, and we would ask you to wipe down any other equipment you have used.
All communal surfaces, such as door handles, light switches etc will need to be wiped down at the end of the night.
I know that this seems like an awful amount of additional things to do, but if everyone cleans up what they’ve used, there isn’t actually very much, and if we share it amongst everyone, it’s a very small impact – in fact, it will probably take less time to do it all than it’s taken to type and read this…
I look forward to seeing you all back in person on Wednesday.
Apologies, but tonight’s rehearsal will need to be cancelled due to works at Nick’s house now preventing access to what he needs to run things. Back to normal next week
The latest arrangement has now been uploaded to Nick’s website, in the usual place. Enjoy! N